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How do I locate Criminal Records?

Determining a person's criminal history in the United States requires a good amount of investigation and research in order to thoroughly cover the entire country.

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Unlimited Criminal Checks has both current and historic sexual offenders with free and instant results.

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Arrest Records

Our Police Ping feed includes local arrest logs, active warrant lookups and police activity (calls for service)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Sex Offenders


Covers All 50 States + Puerto Rico

Arrest Records


Includes Arrest Logs and Warrants

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions and answers about Unlimited Criminal Checks

How can I run a criminal records search on a person

For certified records which would be required for sensitive areas like child care, home visit services or medical employment screening, it's important you obtain records from either directly with a US Government source like the State Police, or any company certified to conduct a complete criminal background investigation in your area.

Keep in mind there will usually be a cost for any Certified background check and you will be required to provide the subjects date of birth and/or other identifying information.

A Complete Nationwide Criminal Background Lookup can take a bit of work. Unless your affiliated with law enforcement, you would have to check multiple sources for a single person. The United States has 3,143 counties, many allow you to search at the state level all at once however not all are states/counties are as search friendly as we may like.

We pay our affiliates a per sale rate of 50%.

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Conduct your own Criminal Checks for free!

Unlimited Criminal Checks covers the entire United States of America plus Puerto Rico

Unless you are affiliated with law enforcement or have special access to restricted Government data, research is currently the only way to obtain a persons nationwide criminal history without having to pay any fees. Some states make the task easy while others make you jump through hoops to gather public data.

Reasons to run a person's criminal background history include ...
  • Employment Screening
  • Rideshare or Delivery Services
  • Dating Background Check
  • Pet Sitting
  • Tenant Screening
  • Nosey Neighbor
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