Shawn Patrick Szczublewski
7007 N.W. 62nd St. Bethany, Oklahoma 73008
Updated: 3/2021
- Oklahoma United States
- DOB: 02-14-1971
- Gender: Male
- Height: 0' 0"
- Weight: 100 lbs
- Hair: Yellow
- Eyes: Red
Shawn Patrick Szczublewski is a White Male, was born 02-14-1971. On 3/2021, Shawn Patrick Szczublewski was found in the Oklahoma Sex Offender Registry database. Shawn Patrick Szczublewski was charged and convicted with the crime of 08-29-2014 Lewd Or Indecent Proposals/Acts To Child Oklahoma Oklahoma City Oklahoma .
- Address: 7007 N.W. 62nd St. Bethany, Oklahoma 73008
08-29-2014 Lewd Or Indecent Proposals/Acts To Child Oklahoma Oklahoma City Oklahoma
2006 Green Toyota Prius CKC 260
Street Address
7007 N.W. 62nd St. Bethany, Oklahoma 73008