Thomas J Carmichael
2813 Shady Tree Lane Edmond, Oklahoma 73013
Updated: 3/2021
- Oklahoma United States
- DOB: 01-13-1945
- Gender: Male
- Height: 5 10
- Weight: 139 Lbs
- Hair: Gray Or Partially Gray
- Eyes: Brown
Thomas J Carmichael is a White Male, was born 01-13-1945. On 3/2021, Thomas J Carmichael was found in the Oklahoma Sex Offender Registry database. Thomas J Carmichael was charged and convicted with the crime of 08-07-2015 Lewd Or Indecent Proposals/Acts To Child Oklahoma OKLAHOMA CITY Oklahoma 05-15-2002 Lewd Or Indecent Proposals/Acts To Child Oklahoma Oklahoma City Oklahoma 05-15-2002 Indecent Exposure Oklahoma Oklahoma City Oklahoma .
- Address: 2813 Shady Tree Lane Edmond, Oklahoma 73013
08-07-2015 Lewd Or Indecent Proposals/Acts To Child Oklahoma OKLAHOMA CITY Oklahoma 05-15-2002 Lewd Or Indecent Proposals/Acts To Child Oklahoma Oklahoma City Oklahoma 05-15-2002 Indecent Exposure Oklahoma Oklahoma City Oklahoma
Thomas James Carmichael
2005 Blue Chevrolet Corvette 921AAA 1996 Tan Chevrolet Tahoe 255 KKE
Street Address
2813 Shady Tree Lane Edmond, Oklahoma 73013